Digital Adoption Platforms for Your User Experience


Unlock the Full Potential of Your Enterprise Software!

Apty’s Next Generation Digital Adoption Platform solves the unique challenges enterprises face when trying to orchestrate people, processes, and technology. With Apty, you can enable employees to use your technology, enforce business process compliance, and accelerate your digital transformation.


Powered by the World’s Only 4x Patented Cloning Technology

Unlike any other solution on the market, Assima does not deliver systems training as static simulation images. Instead, the cloning output is a fully interactive interface that you can edit at will.

Eliminate the need for content creators to re-capture and edit static screenshots one-by-one for every updated step. New fields, dropdown menus, buttons, and entries can be added, resized, repositioned, and removed at will without re-capturing a new set of screenshots.


Learning Experience Platform (LXP) for Employee Enablement!

Datango LXP provides a digital adoption solution optimized for organizations who are looking to take the best things from UPK   enhanced by text to speech, a Learning Management System for structured learning, the capability to build eLearning within the toolset, and datango Live! – an application performance support solution that is advanced, modernized, and not tied to a specific application – performance support for all your applications.

Epilogue Opus

Enterprise Digital Adoption Platform - Built for Ease, Speed, and Any Application

Opus drives the software adoption journey by delivering content for onboarding, project training, and contextual support to users at the exact moment they need it. From producing effective learning content to tracking performance data, Opus allows the enterprise to improve knowledge transfer and measure how well users are adopting the software. The adoption cycle provides speed, ease, and efficiency to all members of your enterprise, from general users to subject matter experts.

Ready to take a proactive approach to digital adoption?

Talk to our digital adoption experts today.